
Saturday, February 1, 2025

Synopsis by Deepseek of VanCampens Law of Functionality

Synopsis of VanCampen’s General Law of Functionality

VanCampen’s General Law of Functionality, as outlined in the paper, is a comprehensive framework that bridges physics, biology, and social systems to explain the role of **information** in sustaining and optimizing functionality in both natural and man-made systems. The law posits that **information** is a fundamental physical entity, equivalent to **energy** and **mass**, and is essential for maintaining order and reducing entropy (disorder) in living systems.

Key Concepts:

1. Information as a Physical Entity:

- Information is not just abstract; it has physical properties and can be quantified.

- Information, energy, and mass are interdependent and equivalent, forming the Mass-Energy-Information (M/E/I) equivalence principle.

- Information is necessary for the functionality of all living systems, from cells to societies.

2. Entropy and Negentropy:

   - Entropy represents disorder or the unavailability of useful energy/information.

   - Negentropy represents order or the availability of useful energy/information.

   - Living systems thrive by converting high-entropy energy (e.g., sunlight, food) into low-entropy energy (e.g., photosynthesis, metabolism), thereby sustaining order.

3. Functionality and Dysfunctionality:

   - Functionality is achieved when a system operates within the boundaries of Realimiteit (the natural limits of reality) and uses optimal information to maintain order.

   - Dysfunctionality occurs when systems exceed these boundaries, leading to increased entropy and disorder. This is often caused by information deficits (e.g., misinformation, censorship) or information overload.

4. Feedback Loops and Cybernetics:

- Feedback loops are crucial for maintaining system functionality. They allow systems to adjust and self-correct based on information.

- Cybernetics studies how systems use feedback to regulate themselves, emphasizing the importance of optimal information for control and communication.

5. Social Entropy:

- Social systems, like physical systems, are subject to entropy. Social entropy occurs when there is a lack of transparency, misinformation, or suppression of information, leading to disorder and dysfunction.

- Positive interdependence (cooperation) reduces social entropy, while negative interdependence (competition) increases it.

6. VanCampen’s Law in Practice:

- The law can be applied to various systems, including organizations, governments, and industries, to assess their functionality.

- Algorithms are proposed to quantify functionality and dysfunctionality based on the relationship between information, energy, and mass.

- Empirical testing in industries (e.g., oil terminals) has shown that quantifying information growth can help detect gaps and optimize performance.

 Practical Applications:

- Early Warning Systems: Tools like the Early Warning Information Deficit Center can be used to detect real-time information gaps in systems, helping to prevent dysfunctionality.

- Decision-Making: By applying VanCampen’s Law, decision-makers can ensure that systems operate within the boundaries of Realimiteit, using optimal information to maintain order and sustainability.

- Social Systems: The law can be used to analyze and improve social systems by promoting transparency, cooperation, and the free flow of information, thereby reducing social entropy.


VanCampen’s General Law of Functionality provides a holistic framework for understanding and optimizing the functionality of living systems. By treating information as a fundamental physical entity equivalent to energy and mass, the law offers a new perspective on how systems can maintain order and reduce entropy. The practical applications of this law, from early warning systems to decision-making tools, highlight its potential to improve the functionality of both natural and man-made systems.

How to Use VanCampen’s General Law of Functionality:

1. Identify the System: Determine the system you want to analyze (e.g., an organization, a government, a biological system).

2. Quantify Information: Measure the amount and quality of information available to the system. Identify any information deficits or overloads.

3. Assess Entropy: Evaluate the level of disorder (entropy) in the system. Look for signs of dysfunctionality, such as inefficiency, misinformation, or lack of transparency.

4. Apply Feedback Loops: Ensure that the system has effective feedback mechanisms to self-correct and maintain order.

5. Optimize Information: Use the principles of optimal information and Realimiteit to guide decision-making and system design.

6. Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the system’s functionality and make adjustments as needed to maintain order and reduce entropy.

By following these steps, you can apply VanCampen’s General Law of Functionality to improve the performance and sustainability of any system.

Friday, January 31, 2025

IPI Talk - Tejinder Singh, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 8 Feb. 2025

Title: Do we live in a 6D space-time, and are the extra dimensions timelike?


The E8 x E8 octonionic theory of unification suggests that our universe is six dimensional and that the two extra dimensions are timelike. This in principle offers an explanation of the quantum nonlocality puzzle, also known as the EPR paradox. Quantum systems access all six dimensions whereas classical systems such as detectors experience only four dimensions. Therefore, correlated quantum events which are timelike separated in 6D can appear to be spacelike separated, and hence nonlocal, when projected to 4D. Our lack of awareness of the extra timelike dimensions creates the illusion of nonlocality whereas in reality the communication obeys special relativity and is local. In principle, this idea can be tested experimentally.

Author: Tejinder Singh


Tejinder received his Masters in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in 1984 and his PhD in physics in 1989 from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai. He worked as an academic Professor at TIFR until retirement in 2022. Previously he also served as postdoctoral fellow at ICTP Trieste, 1989-90 and he is currently Visiting Professor at IUCAA Pune. Tejinder’s research interests are in quantum foundations, quantum gravity, and the unification of forces.


8th of Feb.@ 16.00 London time. Online ZOOM lecture – a link will be emailed to the IPI members.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Meet Willow.

Willow is so fast that it seems to borrow processing power from parallel realities. Its work confirms the theory of the multiverse put forward by David Deutsch,” said Hartmut Neven, founder of Google Quantum AI.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

IPI Poster presented at AAS 245

IPI member and researcher, Jose C. Gómez, presented a new Iposter at the prestigious AAS 245 Meeting. In this work, he continued exploring Structural Units (SU) with the aim of introducing their study to the scientific community. At the same time, Jose tried to explain them in an accessible way so that anyone with some knowledge of physics and mathematics can understand them.

The Iposter format allows for great versatility, so we invite you to navigate and interact with it through the various links included. 

For any questions or clarifications, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jose: Link to the Iposter below.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

IPI lecture on 11th of Jan. 2025 - Clifford Ellgen on Particle Knots and Entropic Dynamics

IPI lecture - Clifford Ellgen, Ordinal ResearchInstitute, USA

Our next IPI Talk will be on Saturday, 11th of Jan. at 16.00 London time. 

Title: Knot Physics: Particle Knots and Entropic Dynamics


Knot Physics is a geometric approach to quantum gravity. Many theories of quantum gravity attempt to make general relativity into a particle theory. By contrast, Knot Physics makes quantum field theory into a geometric theory. To accomplish this, we assume that spacetime is a branched manifold that is embedded in a higher dimensional space. The manifold can be knotted, and those knots are elementary particles. The branches of the spacetime manifold are under-constrained. Subject to constraints, branch behavior maximizes entropy. We show how entropy maximization produces all the forces with their corresponding gauge groups. In addition, there is a natural relationship between quantum and classical behavior that is mediated by entropy maximization.

Author: Clifford Ellgen

BIO: Cliff Ellgen is the lead researcher at Ordinal Research Institute. His work focuses on geometric approaches to quantum gravity. He has been developing Knot Physics with several collaborators. He graduated from Caltech with a degree in mathematics.

11th of Jan @ 16.00 London time. Online ZOOM lecture – a link will be emailed to the IPI members.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Dear members of IPI,

I've been writing books since 2006, when I was 15, and I've been doing it ever since. More than 20 books have been published. The latest and most important book of my career, which I'm still working on, is my multi-volume first-person novel. Four volumes have been published so far and I'm currently working on the fifth.

The first volume of the novel is about what a Spirit is and why it is so often mentioned in mythologies, stories, religions, that there are different Spirits: evil and good. Who they are and what it is and how they communicate with us through signs and through people, how and when a Spirit can enter someone. (Full book is here, free to download

The second volume is devoted to deciphering the sacred matrix and geometry hidden in various sacred religious scriptures. If you have ever been interested in such things, you will be very impressed by the second volume, because there are not just some assumptions and undisclosed theories, but concrete facts. (Full book is here, free to download

The third volume goes into detail about what simulation is, that we live in simulation, what virtual reality is, what a system is. In this volume you learn that in all religions, even in Christianity, when there is mention of God or the Mother of God - it is actually all sacred language - and that we are moving towards the future in which we were created, and that the Mother of God is the system in which we live, and God is the system that is even higher, and He created the Mother of God so that God together with the Mother of God, that is, these two systems, would grow into a new system, that is, the "Son of God”. This topic is very subliminally and much more deeply developed in the text of the third volume. (Full book is here, free to download

In Volume 4, using a comparative mythology approach, I find that mythological religious accounts often mention that there are three worlds: heaven, earth, and the underworld. And also that there are three gods: the God of Earth, the God of Heaven, and the God of the Underworld. Volume 4 reveals what these are, what the nature of the Underworld is, how it works, and most importantly, what the Underworld is and who Baphomet is. (Full book is here, free to download

I'm working on volume five now, where I'm going to touch on the subject of death, what the afterlife is, what there is after death, what rebirth is, resurrection, referring to all the mythological stories, and who the sun God is and how he "controls" the seasons. 

Looking forward to hearing your opinions and comments.

Alexandr Korol

My Christmas Gift To Humanity


Van Campen's Law of Functionality

Those who have read my regular column on these pages would be familiar with the thermodynamic definition of entropy as the energy not available to do useful work. I constructed a bridge between physics, biology and society and found that social entropy can also be interpreted as the energy not available to do useful work in society. What exactly is missing? Is it just energy, or something else we must have overlooked?  Brian Greene, a famous physicist wrote a book he titled ‘The Elegant Universe’. The adjective  ‘elegant’ triggered me to research universal elegance, which in fact is keeping us alive.  When one realises how one’s life depends on precise planetary conditions one cannot but be in total awe. And yet, there seems to be more killing and destruction this year than ever before. People are obviously not in awe or don’t respect life because their greed blinds them. Another famous physicist Fritjof Capra wrote in 1991 that the main cause for social disorder (entropy) is a crisis of human perception. People believe that they can take things that belong to others by force using weapons of mass destruction and get away with it. But this is a dangerous miscalculation, which can now be demonstrated by information physics. I discovered a general law of functionality based on universal biological and physical principles. By following the advice of Aristotle by seeking knowledge of cause, I listed the natural conditions for functionality of every living system e.g. a cell, a body, a city, an organisation, an oil storage terminal, a company including the universe itself and found they all depend on and function only through optimal information. Function or malfunction is determined by the quantity and quality of information available and used. If a worker in an oil terminal misses information by lacking knowledge his task can’t be performed safely. If one drives a car through heavy traffic, optimal information in the form of feedback needs to be used in real time, because ignoring it will cause accidents.  A seemingly complex universe functions or malfunctions according to two elegant algorithms which were hidden, but always were available because I looked for them:

Probability Malfunction          (m-i)>r→∆S>0 

Probability Function                (m+i)≤r→J>0   

When you look at these, you will probably not be able to understand them yet.  I will explain them in simplicity: = mass/matter; people live in a house, a city or a company. The i is the information how to live within mass/matter (one can’t walk through a closed door, or when one is late, ones miss his train) The r is the day-to-day reality as being experienced and accepted (realimiteit or the boundaries of and for functionality). The symbol ∆S denotes disorder, entropy, malfunction. J denotes negentropy (order) functionality.

In nature, the universe, our planet which contains human society nothing can or will ever function without optimal information i.e. truth. All ideologies are unattainable, whilst war is a zero sum games, no one wins.

Van Campen's Law is my 2024 Christmas gift to humanity, so we’d better apply it and survive or ignore it and perish.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Google quantum computer development supports the simulated universe theory

The latest work by Google is truly incredible:

With such computational power it becomes obvious that the base reality is most likely computer generated, and we are just at the beginning. We started computing technologies (digital) in the 1950s and more recently quantum computing. In less than 100 years we are so advanced....

 On the large scale, imagine what a civilization could do in millions or billions of years of evolution. As the AI developments accelerate, these technologies will expand exponentially, accelerating our overall progress towards the singularity. 

It's fascinating stuff, but it opens up more questions than answers. Image shows a cryostat in Google’s quantum-computing facility. Credit: Google Quantum AI. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

IPI lecture on the 14th of Dec. - Gary Vetro on How the Brain Works

IPI lecture - Gary Vetro, USA

Our next IPI Talk will be on Saturday, 14th of December at 16.00 London time. 

Title: How the Brain Works


After a decade of helping take care of and studying a dementia patient, taking care of and studying an autistic child, learning about neuroscience, and auditing the information flow of a three thousand person government agency, it all came together in a theory of the emergence of consciousness and how it works with the chemical electric computer we call the brain.

Author: Gary Vetro

BIO: Education - AS in Mechanical Engineering Technology; BS in Structural Design and
Construction Engineering and Technology; Self education in Physics and Neuroscience; Research Member of the Information Physics Institute.

Current employment: Contract Administrator at a State Government Office.


14th of December @ 16.00 London time. Online ZOOM lecture – a link will be emailed to all IPI members.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

IPI lecture on the 30th of Nov. 2024 - Daniel Boyd on the Emergent Information Theory

 IPI lecture - Daniel Boyd, International Society for the Study of Information, Netherlands

Our next IPI Talk will be on Saturday, 30th of November at 16.00 London time. 

Title: Information/Physics from the perspective of Emergent Information Theory


Throughout the history of humanity much attention has been paid to the remarkable characteristics of the human mind or soul, how these differ from those of the material world, and the relationship between the two. Emergent Information Theory claims that this riddle, as formulated in Chalmers’ Hard Problem, is far bigger; that it includes all biological and technological systems with informational functions. It proposes a form of naturalistic substance dualism in which these systems create a dimension outside of the physical realm in which this substance exists and the strongly emergent processes underlying these functions take place according to their own natural laws. This information dimension is home to everything from lofty phenomenal consciousness to the lowly binary value associated with a bit state. In this talk I will present the rationale and evidence for this conclusion, and invite my audience to engage in discussion about its strengths and weaknesses.

Author: Daniel Boyd

BIO: Daniel Boyd is an independent researcher living in the Netherlands who has developed Emergent Information Theory as an approach to understanding biological and technological information systems, and solving the mind-body problem.

He is currently a member of the Board of IS4SI (International Society for the Study of Information). In his day job he works as Information manager for a care institution for the elderly.

30th of November @ 16.00 London time. Online ZOOM lecture – a link will be emailed to the IPI members.

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