Title: Do we live in a 6D space-time, and are the extra dimensions timelike?
The E8 x E8 octonionic theory of unification suggests that our universe is six dimensional and that the two extra dimensions are timelike. This in principle offers an explanation of the quantum nonlocality puzzle, also known as the EPR paradox. Quantum systems access all six dimensions whereas classical systems such as detectors experience only four dimensions. Therefore, correlated quantum events which are timelike separated in 6D can appear to be spacelike separated, and hence nonlocal, when projected to 4D. Our lack of awareness of the extra timelike dimensions creates the illusion of nonlocality whereas in reality the communication obeys special relativity and is local. In principle, this idea can be tested experimentally.
Author: Tejinder Singh
Tejinder received his Masters in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in 1984 and his PhD in physics in 1989 from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai. He worked as an academic Professor at TIFR until retirement in 2022. Previously he also served as postdoctoral fellow at ICTP Trieste, 1989-90 and he is currently Visiting Professor at IUCAA Pune. Tejinder’s research interests are in quantum foundations, quantum gravity, and the unification of forces.
Url: https://www.tifr.res.in/~tpsingh
8th of Feb.@ 16.00 London time. Online ZOOM lecture – a link will be emailed to the IPI members.