
Monday, January 23, 2023

 Indirectly related to your fields of expertise and mine, you will find below an article published in an American magazine.

Best regards.

Marcienne Martin

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Listing the Criteria of and for non harmful functionality of Man-Made Systems (PhD research)



This research focusses on the development and application of a measurement system for the functionality of anthropogenic creations. Man-Made formations often are negative interdependent (they benefit some, but at the cost of others – i.e. externalities).

This study observes society thru the lens of information. Information doesn’t seem yet being understood as a physical substance which warrants functionality of universal and natural systems. Nature can no longer be seen as matter and energy, but must be interpreted as matter, energy and information (Campbell Jeremy, 1982)[1]. Rolf Landauer stated that information is physical (Landauer, Rolf, 1991[2]) and related it to entropy which leads to disorder in systems, describing the measure of entropy in a number of bits which are binary units of information, and confirmed that entropy is information.


The ability to communicate i.e. exchange and use information as the energy required to remain autopoietic applies to all natural and anthropogenic systems. Man-made systems are often ulteriorly motivated and therefore are or become dependent on non-communication which leads to an entropic (disorderly) state due to an energy i.e. a deliberate information shortage a.k.a. as lying which defines entropy. We are living in a society which finds itself in harmful crisis of perception (Capra, 1991) [3]because people do not understand the significance and meaning of information as the energy which forms,  builds and maintains order and safeguards functionality. When we observe how disinformation is used to manipulate reality while this is physically impossible but harmful, we can use this science to learn, because it will become demonstrable that ideological goals which depend on information deficit can’t ever be achieved. Unfortunately these goals have been and still are being enforced causing great harm to all living systems.


Cognition, according to research by Humberto Maturana[4] and Francisco Varela, means in short the processing of all relevant information in order to be sustained. They found that cognition is inseparable from autopoiesis.

Social Cognition Niklas Luhmann, sociologist argued that the basic idea of autopoiesis also applies to non-biological, social systems, producing their own elements (Seidl, David, 2004)[5]. He understood human made organisations and society as polycentric collections of interacting social systems (Monkelbaan, Joachim, 2019)[6] through communication. i.e. cognition and distinguished three types of social systems: interaction (conversation), organisations and function systems (systems of communication).

The Universe is a physical system that contains bits of information. Each elementary particle carries bits of information. Electrons carrying information work together in a systematic way to perform a quantum logic operation. A computer and our cell phones operate like the universe because they are part of the universe and to operate they must obey the same physical laws. Computers and the universe are information processors. Quantum computing is currently made possible by information; the universe already works that way. (Lloyd, Seth, 2016)[7].  Quantum information processing analyzes the universe in terms of information: the universe consists not only of photons, electrons, neutrinos and quarks, but also quantum bits or qubits. Professor Lloyd says the universe is a giant computer, processing information in quantum bits (qubits).  The universe, a computer, the human body, the environment, businesses; all living systems are information carriers, receptors and/or transmitters. The information they carry can be understood as meaning, observed and understood by human consciousness and processed by its brain. Without the human ability to interpret information and meaning, the usefulness of bits of information can’t be observed.  Therefore it is of importance to learn how people perceive reality. Fritjof Capra talks about a Crisis of Perception (Capra, 1991, 2016) because he states that people perceive our world as something outside of them.

This study will test Symbolic equations for Anthropogenic Entropy (disorder) and Negentropy (Order).[8] (Van Campen, 2017)

The process of understanding what information entails starts with the description of the two laws of thermodynamics. Information understood as energy obeys the same laws of physics. 1st and 2nd  law of thermodynamics (Clausius, Rudolph 1865)[9] There are two kinds of processes, heat and work, that can lead to a change in the internal energy of a system. This is the same as saying that any change in the energy of a living system must result in a corresponding change in the energy of the surroundings outside the system. In other words, energy cannot be created or destroyed. Information influences matter and reality because it always is a part of them. In fact matter, energy and information form one physical reality. Information can’t be disconnected or separated. With physical information in the form of feedback as an influencing energy through cognition, processes that use all relevant information are adaptive whilst processes that not using all relevant information become non adaptive. Entropy is the measure of order or disorder in a process or living system by the availability or unavailability of energy=information. Information answers to the same law of physics, namely that natural entropy can be influenced by information which is used by our universe and planet to create order and structure. Information can’t be destroyed because it is connected and a part of quantum reality i.e. the fabric of existence.

When one observes the current state of our global society one understands that anthropogenic systems are causing disorder. Without having to mention all that has gone and is going wrong, you the reader will know what is meant. This study is an attempt to synthesise the causality by following the first goal of the School of Athens which was ; Seek knowledge of Cause: Conclusion: information deficit. Can it be so simple? Yes! By developing and completing 4 projects based on  synthesis, rather than analysis, this research aims to scientifically and empirically demonstrate that this statement is correct.

Regulating complexity is impossible. Regulating reality which is based information deficit is impossible. We observe that a societal surreality is regulated by the suppression (re censoring) of information. This is impossible because of the law of physics which says that information can’t be divorced from the physical reality (Khalili, Jim, 2016.)[10] Therefore societal systems that lack information and that are enforced by regulations are doomed to collapse which history confirms.


Arend van Campen, December 31, 2022

[1] Campbell Jeremy, Grammatical Man, 1982

[2] Landauer, Rolf, ‘Information is physical’

[3] Capra, Luisi, ‘The systems view of life’

[4] Maturana, Poerkson, ‘From Being to Doing’

[5] Seidl, David; ‘Luhmann’s theory of autopoietic social systems’.

[6] Monkelbaan, Joachim,  ‘Governance for Sustainable Development Goals’

[7] Lloyd, Seth, Quantum Information Science

[8] Van Campen – Realimiteit,

[9] Clausius: ‘1st and 2nd Law of Thermodynamics’

[10] Khalili, Jim,  ‘Information Technology’

Friday, December 23, 2022

Information Deficit Disorder

Information Deficit Disorder and physical criteria of and for functionality of man-made systems by using all relevant information. A 10 minutes video and an open question for anyone interested in the mathematical formula for Information Deficit Entropy and Negentropy. Arden designed two equations by using symbolism, perception and information, but a collaborative work is possible here to develop the mathematics of this process.

 Posted on behalf of Arend van Campen. 


Friday, December 2, 2022

 Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the publication of THE HUMAN AS A ROBOT OR A BIOLOGICAL ORGANISM, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Link to buy the book! 
Best regards,
Marcienne Martin, PhD
Professeure associée - Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT)

Thursday, December 1, 2022

IPI Christmas lecture on 17th of Dec - Quantum Doug Matzke, Ph.D.

 Title: "Bit-Physics: How to bootstrap the universe using topological bits"


In my 2002 Ph.D. dissertation, I defined bit-physics as a mathematical model using topological bits (geometric algebra) to derive quantum computing (qubits and ebits). Later in my 2020 book Deep Reality, I expanded that approach to include the standard model, neural computing and beyond. Both of these efforts make testable predictions different than the models for quantum computing and standard model. This research gives keen insight into the hyperdimensional nature of the quantum-verse.

The key to understanding bit-physics are the twin concepts:
1) "bits are physical" (Landauer's principle) thus effecting the physical universe
2) "bits are protophysical" (Matzke's principle), which means that the topological mathematics supporting hyperdimensional bits is fundamental to the structure of the multiverse.

Author: Quantum Doug Matzke, Ph.D.

Contact:  and

Bio: Dr. Matzke is a prolific scientist, researcher, and presenter in his areas of expertise about limits of computation, hyperdimensional mathematics, neuro-computing, quantum computing, real intelligence, and metaphysics. During his 45-year career, he was chairman of two PhysComp '92/'94 workshops, contributed to fifteen disclosed patents with eight granted, has published more than fifty papers and presentations, and earned a PhD in Quantum Computing. Doug has adopted the moniker of "Quantum Doug" because he researches these deep-reality subjects as the bit-physics model beneath his source science view of the multiverse.

17th of Dec. at 16.00 London time. Online ZOOM lecture - link will be emailed to the IPI members.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

How to test if we're living in a computer simulation

Physicists have long struggled to explain why the universe started out with conditions suitable for life to evolve. Why do the physical laws and constants take the very specific values that allow stars, planets and ultimately life to develop? The expansive force of the universe, dark energy, for example, is much weaker than theory suggests it should be – allowing matter to clump together rather than being ripped apart.

A common answer is that we live in an infinite multiverse of universes, so we shouldn’t be surprised that at least one universe has turned out as ours. But another is that our universe is a computer simulation, with someone fine-tuning the conditions.

The latter option is supported by a branch of science called information physics, which suggests that space-time and matter are not fundamental phenomena. Instead, the physical reality is fundamentally made up of bits of information, from which our experience of space-time emerges. By comparison, temperature “emerges” from the collective movement of atoms. No single atom fundamentally has temperature.

This leads to the extraordinary possibility that our entire universe might in fact be a computer simulation. The idea is not that new. In 1989, the legendary physicist, John Archibald Wheeler, suggested that the universe is fundamentally mathematical and it can be seen as emerging from information. He coined the famous aphorism “it from bit”. 

In 2003, philosopher Nick Bostrom from Oxford University in the UK formulated his simulation hypothesis. This argues that it is actually highly probable that we live in a simulation. That’s because an advanced civilisation should reach a point where their technology is so sophisticated that simulations would be indistinguishable from reality, and the participants would not be aware that they were in a simulation.


Physicist Seth Lloyd from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US took the simulation hypothesis to the next level by suggesting that the entire universe could be a giant quantum computer.
And in 2016, business magnate Elon Musk concluded “We’re most likely in a simulation” (see video above).

Read full article here.

Dr Doug Matzke - Deep Reality lecture


Thursday, November 17, 2022

A new particle won't solve dark matter

 Dark matter may be information itself 

  A new particle wont solve dark matter

There is no shortage of debate about the nature of dark matter, a mysterious substance that many believe makes up a large proportion of the total mass of the universe, in spite of never having observed it directly. Now some believe that Landauer’s principle, which dictates the physical nature of information, is raising a startling possibility: that dark matter might be information itself. 
Published on 16th of Nov. 2022 in the IAI News. 
Read the full article here.


Saturday, November 12, 2022


Sustenance4all researches information theory to design non harmful functionality of anthropogenic systems. Information decides functionality.

We designed two metaphysical equations by which we measure, map and predict probability patterns of entropy and negentropy.


The first equation demonstrates Anthropogenic Entropy (human-induced disorder), i.e. Wrong/False (¬)Perception (P) x (Ankh (life) minus Information) beyond R, Realimiteit) leads to or accelerates entropy. The system is dysfunctional, ungovernable, and uncontrollable.

Human Perception + Consciousness (P) is the concluding feedback loop that determines the order, the control and the necessary corrections (control).

Note: the equation for Anthropogenic Negentropy (man-made) order, sustainability: Continuity (Symbol of Infinity) = ((Life; all living systems: symbol Ankh + Information: symbol i) within the limitations/limits of reality or Realimiteit (R) or the boundaries of functionality x Perception (P) via Consciousness verified by Conscience. The living system functions optimally, is controllable and manageable.

Without information (communication) living systems can’t function because they can’t learn. In fact, it is information that gives universal energy and matter its functionality and ensures evolution - survival. This also applies to our DNA which is both the messenger and the message.

When human-made living systems (organisations, companies, industries, politics) are governed within the limits of functionality or limits of reality (Realimiteit), they can be governed by all relevant information and therefore maximally, but not completely, controlled in a non-linear universe. If the limits of reality are exceeded, such systems will inevitably fall into entropy (disorder) and become uncontrollable.

This is the Realimiteit Principle which, when adhered to, is the key to returning living systems to homeostasis and autopoiesis (self-maintenance and preservation), i.e. within the realm of reality or the limits of functionality, no longer harmful to human or non-human life, the environment or social cohesion. 

Physics confirms that the universe consists of energy, matter and information and that these are inseparable. Information cannot be separated or divorced from our physical world and reality. Information creates order and structure. Like energy, heat, pressure or the speed of light, information obeys the universal laws of physics. 

We already apply these findings in the oil and gas industry with amazing results in enhancement of operational excellence and safety. Therefore these equations have an unlimited application potential.

A post entered on behalf of Arend van Campen MA Founder of Sustenance4all.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Definition of Information....

 Is Information can be defined as 

a quantum state change due to the modification of one degree of freedom about the considered quantum system?


"that entropy, is information: indeed,in the micro-canonical language entropy is determined by the number of microstates compatible with a given macrostate."
Carlo Rovelli; Relative information at the foundation of physics, Second prize in the 2013 FQXi context ’It From Bit or Bit From It?’arXiv:1311.0054v1 [hep-th] 31 Oct 2013]
 The von Neumann entropy of a quantum state is an information-theoretic measure of the amount of randomness or uncertainty that is inherent to that.
from The Theory of Quantum Information, Quantum entropy and source coding,
 Shannon in his celebrated 1948 work that started the development of information theory, the number of states in which something can be, is precisely the definition of “information” (more precisely, “lack of information”)
Shannon CE. A mathematical theory of communication. Bell Syst Tech J. 1948;27(3):379-423. DOI: 10.1002/j.1538-7305.1948.tb01338.x.
Can we define information as a quantum state change due to the modification of one degree of freedom about the considered quantum system?

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