Einstein’s theory of special relativity brought us one of the most famous equations in science, E=mc2, and showed that energy and mass are equivalent. In our modern, high-tech world, operations involving digital information storage and processing require huge amounts of energy. This gives way to the theory behind the mass-energy-information equivalence principle, the idea that because a bit of information is energy, it must have mass as well.
principle links thermodynamics and digital information through logical
irreversibility. Experiments have proven the process of deleting a bit
of information dissipates heat energy, but after information is created,
it can be stored with no energy loss. Melvin Vopson proposes this
happens because once information is created, it acquires finite mass.

over 60 years, we have been trying unsuccessfully to detect, isolate or
understand the mysterious dark matter,” said Vopson. “If information
indeed has mass, a digital informational universe would contain a lot of
it, and perhaps this missing dark matter could be information.”
taking the extremely small measurement needed to such precision may
currently be unachievable. Vopson proposes the next step to getting
answers could be developing a sensitive interferometer similar to LIGO
or an ultra-sensitive Kibble balance.
Source: “The mass-energy-information equivalence principle,” by Melvin M. Vopson, AIP Advances (2019). The article can be accessed at http://doi.org/10.1063/1.5123794.
Published by AIP Publishing (https://publishing.aip.org/authors/rights-and-permissions).
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