Well, here I am - a new member of Information Physics Institute (since yesterday). Thanks to Theo for nominating me and to Melvin for the email invitation. I suppose some kind of introduction of myself might be a good idea.
My main pastime is writing my ideas about science as it may be in the future. I'm not a professional scientist but am a member of the science websites ResearchGate and ORCID. I’ve earned Certificates in Astrophysics from ANU (Australian National University), and Certificates in Robotics from QUT (Queensland University of Technology, Australia). Though I put a lot of hard work into my writing, I can't take all the credit. I believe that the whole universe - everything on Earth and in space plus everything in the past, present, and future - is entangled and unified. Everybody is part of this unity, so all information is available to anybody. My hobbies include reading, writing, computers and the Internet, TV, music, and regular light exercise.
IPI sounds fascinating. I've had a look at the website including some articles and videos. I do feel a bit disturbed about the statement that there is no dark matter. The claim that the universe's extra mass is accounted for by information possessing mass is no doubt true, but I suspect the info's mass would only partly account for the extra. Besides adding to the mass of the known universe, the information would produce other large-scale dimensions which interact with our familiar ones - and they'd possess what we call "dark" matter. The dark matter would be produced by dark energy (just as E=mc^2 connects ordinary matter with ordinary energy). This means dark energy would not have a role in expansion of the universe. An article which I wrote and posted on ResearchGate a few months ago goes into these matters and uses topology plus "readshift" - (re)tarded (ad)vanced redshift - to explain that the cosmos is static, never expanding or contracting as a whole.
The article's titled and is at (9) (PDF) How Multiple Branches of Mathematics Unite the Mobius Strip With Multiple Phenomena in Physics and Cosmology Subtitled Riemann Hypothesis and Wick Rotation Support Topological Propulsion, Faster-than-light Travel Through Space, Plus Time Travel into the Past and Future (researchgate.net)
(page 10's Riemann hypothesis and Wick rotation is a good starting point if you wish to read more).
How Multiple Branches of Mathematics Unite the Mobius Strip With Multiple Phenomena in Physics and Cosmology
Riemann Hypothesis and Wick Rotation Support Topological Propulsion, Faster-than-light Travel Through Space, Plus Time Travel into the Past and Future
The article was also published on Amazon earlier this year in my book
SUPER SCIENCE: Intuitions of the Future's Super-science, Vastly Different from Today's Knowledge and Enriched with Science-Fiction
This collection of 28 articles and a science-fiction story is available as a hardcover, paperback, or eBook at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTRXK67X