IPI lecture - Clifford Ellgen, Ordinal ResearchInstitute, USA
Our next IPI Talk will be on Saturday, 11th of Jan. at 16.00 London time.
Title: Knot Physics: Particle Knots and Entropic Dynamics
Knot Physics is a geometric approach to quantum gravity. Many theories of quantum gravity attempt to make general relativity into a particle theory. By contrast, Knot Physics makes quantum field theory into a geometric theory. To accomplish this, we assume that spacetime is a branched manifold that is embedded in a higher dimensional space. The manifold can be knotted, and those knots are elementary particles. The branches of the spacetime manifold are under-constrained. Subject to constraints, branch behavior maximizes entropy. We show how entropy maximization produces all the forces with their corresponding gauge groups. In addition, there is a natural relationship between quantum and classical behavior that is mediated by entropy maximization.
Author: Clifford Ellgen
BIO: Cliff Ellgen is the lead researcher at Ordinal Research Institute.
His work focuses on geometric approaches to quantum gravity. He has been
developing Knot Physics with several collaborators. He graduated from Caltech
with a degree in mathematics.
11th of Jan @ 16.00 London time. Online ZOOM lecture – a link will be emailed to the IPI members.